A New Chapter in....Kenya

Skateistan has started a new chapter. We’re expanding our programs to reach thousands more children in new locations around the world. By the end of 2022, we aim to be operating in 20 locations and reaching 4,500 students each week. And the good news is, we’ve already begun! Read on to find out more about our new programs running in Kenya.

Location: Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya
Partner: Project Elimu
Average number of weekly students: 104
Girls’ participation: 51%
Programs running: Outreach

In July, we began running programs in Kibera, the largest informal settlement in East Africa. Around 250,000 people live in Kibera and the community faces many challenges, including access to electricity and clean water. Our amazing partner in Kibera is Project Elimu, which runs dance programs as a way of empowering children. Now they’ve added skateboarding to their programs and local children are super excited! We’re running Outreach programs in Kibera, offering children their first taste of skateboarding as well as creative activities.